Washed Out - Within And Without (2011).zip
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Step-Into and Step-Return: To debug a method, you need to use "Step-Into" to step into the first statement of the method. ("Step-Over" runs the function in a single step without stepping through the statements within the function.) You could use "Step-Return" to return back to the caller, anywhere within the method. Alternatively, you could set a breakpoint inside a method.
The DownloadAttachment method in the FileTransfer API can download multiple files at once. To fetch and store all the attachments in the file, use the following pattern and make sure your application can handle files of any size.
To download a file in the cloud or save a file locally from the cloud, use the FileTransfer API. In the FileTransfer API, you need to reference the RESOURCE parameter and pass in the friendly name and the canonical name of the file. If you want to download 0-n files at once, pass in multiple RESOURCES arrays:
If the file being downloaded is larger than the maximum upload size limit of 4MB, the FileTransfer API will retry. If the HTTP request fails again, the message returns with a HTTP response code of 522. d2c66b5586