The Handmaiden English Subtitles
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I'll get to the point: the English subtitles are hard to read. I have a low tolerance for difficult subtitles and have found them to be distracting and annoying on occasion, but the problem with the Handmaiden's subtitles is their very simplicity. They're in black, and the font is tiny, while the voice acting is clear.
With its murder mystery, which involves one of the women in a love triangle, The Handmaiden is not unlike Sweet Home in that way. But where Sweet Home was a warm and benevolent look at a foreign culture, The Handmaiden is more of a slice of life, about three women who are trapped by their situation. It is the way Park manages to juxtapose violence, lust, and desire into a satisfying whole that gives the film its power. I think you'll enjoy it.
Director Park Chan-wook has a great eye for ambient detail, and he used that eye to great effect with The Handmaiden. The shots of the women interacting with one another inside a small hotel room are especially striking. The three actors have a great chemistry, and the characterizations of the women are vivid and well-rounded.
The drama in The Handmaiden is equal parts fiction and fiction, more real and moving than I was willing to accept from Park Chan-wook. Unfortunately, this drama is often surprisingly indiscreet in its details, and I could not help but wonder whether the director/writer/cinematographer/editor/producers were just trying to show off with some non-stop exposition, or whether their full-hearted, generous-spirited approach to the story created something that was actually more realistic than I had expected. It's an odd thing, but the female characters in The Handmaiden are sometimes so well-drawn that their lives feel quite real and their antics, as well as the drama of their love and desires, sometimes seem more like something out of high school than something out of real life.
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