Stephen Booth Black Dog Epub Reader ((EXCLUSIVE))
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DROWNED LIVES and CANAL PUSHERS are the latest examples of a thriving sub-genre of crime fiction. Festivals, libraries or organisations interested in an entertaining session on the theme of 'Canal Noir' can get in touch by email
The latest review for THE MURDER ROAD comes courtesy of the Lancashire Evening Post, who describe it as "Top notch crime writing with an irresistible sense of place". Read the full review here: -review-the-murder-road-by-stephen-booth-1-7910559
Books will speak to audiences of scholars, students, general readers, and activists with accessible prose and urgent topics, including but not limited to local policing, campus policing, family policing (child welfare systems), e-carceration and electronic monitoring, sur- and sousveillance, crimmigration and border enforcement, race and racialization, antiblackness, settler colonialism, anticarceral feminisms, involuntary medical confinement, and organizing for abolitionist reforms. 2b1af7f3a8