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Concepts covered include: Numbers to 100 (model place values; compare and order whole numbers; create sets from hundreds, tens, and ones; write multi-digit numbers in expanded form). Use fractions to denote fractions and real numbers. Extend multiplication and division. Solve and represent real-world problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Calculate fractions using common denominators (compare and order). Create and interpret equations with different variables. Represent real numbers as geometric figures. Use estimation and mental math to estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients. Solve real-world problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Solve problems involving measurement and money. Solve word problems involving multiplication and division. Find and interpret real-world problems involving probability. Find and interpret real-world problems involving data analysis. Use graphs to explore real-world problems. Consult or download the complete Scope and Sequence for a full report of covered topics and concepts.
Concepts covered include: Numbers to 10,000 (create sets; group into thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones; compare and order whole numbers; write multi-digit numbers in expanded form; and use place-value models; add/subtract whole numbers). Fractions (understand concepts, compare and order; recognize equivalents; write whole numbers as fractions). Multiply and divide by any number from 2 to 10. Use x,?, and = symbols to represent multiplication and division equations. Multiply 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number, with and without renaming. Use bar models to represent multiplication and division situations. Express a fraction as the sum of repeated unit fractions. Add and subtract money. Use mental math strategies to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Use a variety of concrete, pictorial, and symbolic models for multi-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Write addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division equations. Use and create models that demonstrate equality or inequality. Identify right angles and compare angles to right angles. Classify and sort polygons and quadrilaterals. Solve real-world problems in measurement. Solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division word problems involving mass in kilograms or grams and volume or capacity in liters. Tell time to the minute. Convert between hours and minutes. Add and subtract units of time. Compare angles to right angles. Measure perimeter of plane figures.
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