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These are the children exploited by their perpetrator taking pornographic pictures of them and circulating them through the internet. There is no way to know exactly how many offenders these victims have. Many times these children are not aware that pictures of their abuse are being taken. There are thousands of pictures of unidentified children.
1. There is Moral Ambiguity Toward Porn, Particularly Among Younger AmericansPerhaps the most sobering finding from the study is the reality of how accepted viewing porn has become in our culture today, particularly among teens and young adults. Around half of adults 25 and older say viewing porn is wrong (54%), and among teens and young adults 13-24, only a third say viewing porn is wrong (32%). This posture toward porn among younger Americans is confirmed by how they talk about porn with their friends: the vast majority reports that conversations with their friends about porn are neutral, accepting or even encouraging. They generally assume most people look at porn at least on occasion, and the morality of porn is rarely discussed or even considered. Just one in 10 teens and one in 20 young adults report talking with their friends about porn in a disapproving way.
4. Age, Gender and Faith Practice are the Three Biggest Factors in Frequent Porn UseWhen looking closely at frequent porn users (those who seek out porn daily, weekly and monthly), we begin to see patterns emerge according to age, gender and faith practice. To begin with, men use porn more frequently than women by a wide margin. Twice as many male teens and young adults use porn than female teens and young adults (67% compared to 33%), and four times as many male adults 25+ use porn than female adults (47% compared to 12%). Practicing Christians are more than three times less likely to use porn than other teens and adults (13% compared to 42%), and young adults (57%) are much more likely than both teens (37%) or adults 25+ (29%) to be a frequent porn user.
8. Very Few Adults Feel a Sense of Guilt When They Use PornSociopaths aside, human beings tend to feel a sense of guilt when they do something they believe is wrong. When asked about how comfortable they feel about their porn use, only about 1 in five adults overall (18%) report feeling much guilt. Generationally, teens are the most likely age segment to experience feelings of guilt (38%), along with young adults (21%). These are followed by Elders (17%), Boomers (15%), and Gen-Xers (14%). Interestingly, minorities (24% non-white compared to 11% white), practicing Christians (29% compared with 12% of non-practicing Christians), and conservatives (25% compared to 13% of liberals) are significantly more likely to experience a sense of guilt compared to others.
10. Few Adults are Actively Trying to Stop Using PornThere are a number of effective approaches to combating porn use (accountability groups, counseling, filtering software, etc), but very few adults have either tried to break their habit in the past, or are actively fighting to break their habit now. When the general population are asked whether they have tried to stop using porn, but have been unable to (or started again), only nine percent say so. The rate is almost double among practicing Christians (16%), but still remains fairly low overall. When asked whether they are currently trying to stop using porn, nine percent of the general population agree, while a much larger 19 percent of practicing Christians say they are currently working to kick their habit.
Ever wonder what that hot teens is up to inside their bedrooms We will let you in on their little secret, these teens have a naughty side.They might not have all the poses of a porn star, but they definitely know how to take a good pounding from a nice hard cock.Hot, young, and full of libido and cum.
For those defending this teacher, have you actually read the article It clearly states that Swagerty has been cited for HOSTING the party, that beer and liquor were \"strewn throughout the home,\" and that most teens had driven to the home and would have DUI'ed had police not intervened. What more evidence do you need[Portion removed by Palo Alto Online]
Anyone who knows Lisa Swagerty knows that she is a popular, trustworthy teacher. We do not know the facts of the case here. What the media says, the police citation indicates, and the facts of the case show are all irrelevant until more details are known. Hosting a party is not the same as a party happening in the home without consent, and these days a get together of high school students can quickly escalate to a large number of partying teenagers, already intoxicated bringing their own alcohol by word of cell phone, myspace, or anything else. I personally doubt that Mrs. Swagerty's involvement in this was her doing and I would like to see our school community giving her the benefit of the doubt and our full support until such time as the real evidence proves otherwise.
Don't blame Palo Alto Online or Weekly for reporting an incident that took place at the home of Swagerty. Ask yourself this question: if you as parents are home, would it be possible for a bunch of teens to show up and start drinking without your knowledge How big is her home that she had no clue a wild party was going on Don't forget the police were tipped off by LOUD PARTY at 10:30PM. Obviously, it must have been too loud for some neighbors and yet wasn't a bother to Swagerty C'mon, folks, this is an open and shut case or the police wouldn't have cited the couple at the spot!
This isn't a complicated case. I have no doubt that Ms. Swagerty is a fine teacher and well liked at Palo Verde. But the police have no reason to have misstated what was going on, and if the parents had welcomed the arrival of the police to break up a party that had simply arrived on their doorstep I can't imagine they would have been cited. And to blame Palo Alto Online for reporting the story and naming the people cited is crazy. People must be accountable for their actions. It's fine that some people that know them are defending them, but as we know from other cases (Bill Giardano, for example) there are always people that simply cannot accept that someone they trusted could have violated that trust. I love my teenage son, but if he were brought home by the police after such an incident my response wouldn't be to blame the messenger. It would be to deal with why my son had made the choices that he did and determine the proper consequences. The same should apply to the people that allowed this party to take place. What in the world were they thinking
-- and nothing in the SF Gate article provides evidence, or even a hint of evidence, about what the parents knew, when they knew it, or what they may have been doing. All of the details describe what teens did and where.
Friends --Rather than rushing to condemn or defending the character of the individual parents, let us focus on a much larger problem in this community -- teen parties focused on drinking, every weekend. Whatever the specifics of this case, MANY of these parties do take place in homes where parents have the mistaken concept that it's safer that way. So let's allow the legal system to deal with whether or not the parents in this case are guilty as charged. But let's not continue to play ostrich about the problem here. Two Palo Alto teenagers have died in two years due to drinking and driving. There's a culture of \"kids will be kids\" and tolerance of binge drinking that is putting many teenagers' future at risk. We all want to be \"cool\" parents and it's definitely not cool to tell your teens that not only can they not have the booze at your house, but that there won't be any uninvited guests, or people arriving with open or closed containers --- and you're going to be the heavy if the agreed-upon rules are not followed. But that's what we have to do if we really love our kids and want to help them grow up to be all they can be. See the two links below for some sobering info. Pun intended. ===============================A Parent's Guide to Teen Parties (Crystal Springs Parent Assn, 2002)Web Link===============================Parents, Teens and Alcohol: A Dangerous Mix (excerpt)\"Underage drinking is a factor in nearly half of all teen automobile crashes,\" states Robert Wood Johnson vice president Nancy Kaufman. \"It also contributes to suicides, homicides, and fatal injuries, and is a factor in sexual assaults and date rapes.\"The mixed messages that parents send when they \"bargain\" with teens and allow them to drink at home may actually be to blame for excessive teen drinking. Consider these disturbing trends:* A 1993 study of 15,000 students by the Minnesota-based Johnson Institute, which fights alcohol use at school and at work, showed that permissiveness at home affects adolescent choices more than peer pressure.* Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) surveys estimate that when parents \"bargain\" with their kids and let them drink as long as they promise not to drive, teens are more likely to drive after drinking or be in a car with someone who is drinking.* The University of Minnesota's School of Public Health found that teens whose parents or friends' parents provided alcohol for parties were more likely to drink, get into traffic crashes, get involved in violence, and participate in thefts.Then there's also the sticky problem of setting a bad example for teens who want to do the right thing. \"Some kids don't want to drink,\" says 18-year-old Courtney Michna. \"They want an out and their parents provide a good excuse. If kids say 'Want some' and they say, 'No, my parents will kill me,' most kids say, 'OK, that's cool, there's more for me!' But if parents are saying 'Go ahead, it's perfectly fine to drink,' then what out do kids have\"Kendrick goes a step further. \"Parent-sponsored drunk-fests make it harder for the kids who don't drink and for parents who won't let their kids drink. It's almost an inherent challenge that these parents lay down by saying, 'I'm sponsoring this because I think your teen is mature enough to drink responsibly.' A teen who doesn't drink or whose parents say it's wrong thinks, \"What's wrong with me Am I the only one who feels this way\" But Kendrick believes there is a huge difference between \"kids experimenting with alcohol and kids drinking with adult approval.\"Debby Hutter, a mother of four adolescents, agrees with Kendrick's assessment. \"I feel like I would be ostracized if I said my daughters couldn't go to a prom or graduation party because there was drinking going on. My daughters say to me, 'Mom. You just don't get it.' But I don't get how parents--even if they take away the car keys--can justify serving 16-, 17-, and 18-year-olds beer. Kids make bad choices, but what can you do when parents facilitate those choices It's totally disgusting to watch these kids get drunk!\" Full article: Web Link 59ce067264