Motorola End User Driver Installation 5.9.0 32
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I was wondering if you could perhaps help me out? I have just recently received an old laptop and decided to install Kali Sana (2.0) onto it, however I could install various apps like Inkscape and other Debian based apps by using the command: apt-get install inkscape (or whatever I want to install). I even installed WINE and my Windows programs worked fine on it. I did upgrade to Kali Rolling (2016-1) the other day and everything worked fine except my sound drivers were missing. I decided to get the Kali Rolling ISO and installed it onto the laptop as a clean installation and everything is working 100% except: apt-get install (program name). I have tried to add the Repositories listed on the official Kali website to the sources list ( /etc/apt/sources.list ), but it still does not work. Any ideas how I can get it fixed? Or should I just install Kali Sana in VirtualBox and copy the sources.list info from there?
I would really like to get the sound drivers working on this laptop as I don't really want to have to go the VirtualBox route to get them fixed. Any help would be appreciated as I don't want to have to use Kali Sana if I can avoid it.
I currently have a laptop with a broken screen. All I need to do is have some way to create a Remote Desktop to my home computer so I can access my files and download a Windows ISO to make an installation usb. Does anyone know how to do this, or is there some other way of doing this?
EDIT: I tried installing WINE onto the Kali Rolling ISO but it failed. I uninstalled it and tried to install it again, but it still fails. Any idea why WINE is failing to install on the Kali Rolling ISO?
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc