Kiss Anime Initial D
The story isn't the only issue. The characters aren't well developed. The characters are pretty shallow. Okarin is the main protagonist. He is in love with a demon girl. His character is a typical anime main character with a hot girl and some conflict.
I like the premise of the show. It is a bit like the anime Fullmetal Alchemist but with more of an action fantasy. It is a little similar to Tokyo Ghoul but I think they are both different. It is also very similar to K-On except the former has an action fantasy theme. However, I think I am indifferent to it at this point.
It doesn't stop there. It keeps on lying about the whole thing. The first episode introduces Saori and Itsuki as friends. But they didn't know he was in love with her. The next episode has them fall into love. They didn't know each other at all. It has nothing to do with the story. It is a waste of time and effort. Here is what I think should have been done. The anime should have started with Natsuki. Itsuki and her didn't know her at all. They discovered that she is a part of the fashion group alongside herself. Then, they met Saori to know that she is in love with Itsuki. Then, we see the crew's fashion show. It shows that they are all in love with Itsuki. And then, the series goes on. This makes a lot more sense. It would also be more believable since we would know where the characters are from and it would be easier to track the characters throughout the series.
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