Kioskea Hackear Facebook
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Okay, so now I need to add the PHP library. So a quick google search for 'codeigniter facebook library' reveals Elliot Haughin's library. I download the files, put them all in the right places then get to work on loading the library.
But if I do print_r($this->data['fb_user']); I get nothing. Ever. Whether I'm logged into facebook, logged out, logged in and added my site to my profile, etc. etc. etc. The user and user_id are never set. I don't get any errors though.
As far as I'm aware, the values are supposed to be set so that I know whether the person browsing my site is logged into their facebook account. If they are, I can see if they've allowed my application. If they've allowed it, I can let them disconnect from my site, if not, I can let them connect. But I can't do anything if these variables aren't populated. 153554b96e