Clave Para Activar Dll Suite LINK
An application password is a password that will be used to log in to the application from a remote client. If you enable an application password, a password will be required by the client, every time the client attempts to connect to the server. A password can be entered at installation time. Note that if you use an application password, the log in or log out process to your server is separate from the log in or log out process used to access the application. This means that your users can access the application from remote clients without knowing an application password (subject to Password Policy requirements). If you enable an application password, you will need to enter a new password to restore it if a change takes place.
De este formulario se crece a otra instalacion de Office, o de otro equipo con el mismo nombre de maquina. Se trata de instalar otra versiun de Office con diferentes actualizaciones en su filas. Tambin se puede eliminar actualizaiones d del equipo, si no se deja de usar el equipo. d2c66b5586